+1 877-219-4855

10535 Jones Rd. Cypress, TX 77065

As of January 2023, all services are now both in-person and online. In-person services may at any given time choose to follow COVID safety guidelines.


“Dear friends and members of our DIC Cypress,

We are thrilled to announce that our church is FULLY OPEN for in-person worship services! After a long and challenging pandemic, it’s a joy to come together once again as a community and worship together in person.

We have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our members, including social distancing measures and increased sanitation protocols. We ask that all attendees follow these guidelines during their time at the church.

Whether you have been attending virtual services or have been away for a while, we warmly invite you to join us in person. This is an opportunity to connect with one another, sing, pray, and hear inspiring messages.

Service times and details can be found on our website or by calling the church office. We look forward to worshiping with you soon!

Church Administration


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